Portable Fire Extinguishers

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Type Fire Extinguisher
BIS number IS 15222
Capacities :- 2, 3, 4.5, 6.5 & 9 Kg

Clean Agent (HFC-236fa) Type Fire Extinguisher
HFC-236fa clean agent
Capacities :- 1,2,4,6 & 9Kg

Water Mist Fire Extinguisher
IS 15683 and it is BIS marked
Available In Capacities 6L & 9L
NEW Product

UL Listed

UL Approved Kitchen Fire Suppression System
CE Approved : 97/23/EC
Avail - 6, 9, 12, 18 & 21 ltrs
UL Listed
Life Safety Products

EN 13485 Listed

Evacuation Chair Regular Model
CE approved EN ISO 13485:2016
Withstand a load of 13.5 kgs.

Evacuation Chair Hospital Model
CE approved EN ISO 13485:2016
Withstand a load of 180 kgs
EN 13485 Listed


CE approved

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) (Pan India Distributer)
How to use an AED
Buy the right AED for you

EN 1149 - 3 Approved


ce approved

Emergency Evacuation Mattress
Bed is made up of high density 50mm thick foam
How to use ?

Foldable Stretcher With O2 Cylinder
CE Approved : EN ISO 13485
Lightweight, small, portable

Spill Control
keep home or workplace remains safe from harmful spills

What our members say...
Hi, in the year 2011 I joined this company as a marketing executive. That time my salary was just Rs 9000 and I left it in 2012 by GM somashekar force. One thing I tell about the company , Those who interested to learn marketing strategies this company is excellent for beginners. Good & supportive seniors, friendly nature, Good MD, good management system. I was forced to resign when I decline to transfer from OHES department to CCTV and hydrants . No problem but I learnt lot from marketing department that help me to grow in future companies. Still I remember my beloved MD adapa sir and every one in company.

A Single Stop Supplier for All type of safety Products!!!
I will be having that proud feeling- whichever product we sold will help for saving someones life one day !!
Best company to work within,amazing & Friendly work environment!! best thing is about "training"what we get there.

Usha Armour has wide range of safety products.. I am always proud of the safety products and their vital role in saving lives of people in emergency situations. I have learnt a lot from this company, it can be their trainings, products knowledge, time management in short span of my employment.